Yesterday I returned to work from vacation and like everybody else in the world the first thing I did was check my email. 228 new emails! Man, I'm popular!
Here's the breakdown
3 "real" emails - the relevant stuff that drives my science
24 - University or Department emails (minor spam)
17 - posts/replies to answer
39 - random spam (Dear Sir. Im from insert African country...)
145 - Scientific Product Spam emails
That is absolutely out of control. There were six from one company all advertising different products. I felt like Tom Cruise in Minority Report when he's running through the mall, "Do you need a new Western blot apparatus John Anderton?"
Regardless, this cannot be the best way to reach scientists to tell them about your products. In fact it was infuriating!
I'm considering making a list of the rampant spammers and posting a daily count. You are wasting my time and taxpayers dollars as I spend time deleting them. I can only imagine every scientist at every university is getting the same spam.
Some of these companies make billions and have enormous marketing budgets, I know you smart enough to do better than random spam. The whole world of Social Media is out there for Science Companies to take advantage to spread the word about your products. If you are looking for a Life Science Social Media Primer, read Mary Canady's blog on BioMarketing at
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
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I have had the hardest time convincing some of my clients not to use e-mail "blast" services or to use their own newsletter as a promotional blast medium. I still believe an e-mail newsletter can work if the sender can limit the distribution to actual, opted-in subscribers and resist the temptation to stuff their newsletters full of promotional copy. Though with e-mail there's the immediate opportunity for the recipient to reply or respond in some other way, I still classify e-mail newsletters as outbound media and therefore less useful in life science marketing than "discoverable" media and direct engagement.